The Spanish Students in Montreal
The Spanish Students gave several noteworthy performances in Canada during their tours of 1880 and 1882. They appeared on stage in picturesque costumes and presented a band consisting of five guitars, nine mandolins and a violin. They put on a show in which curiosity gives way to unreserved admiration.
Paris World Fair 1878
The Paris World fair celebrates France's recovery from the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. For the occasion, the Trocadero Palace was erected, providing a showcase for musicians wishing to perform before an international audience.
A few of the growing number of Italian mandolinists attempt to travel to France, but one of the most significant performances is given by a group from Madrid, better known as the Spanish Students. The excellence of their playing earned them an admirable reputation, and they toured the great capitals of Europe and America with their orchestra.
Cultural and industrial exhibition in Genoa in 1892
In the summer of 1892, in Genoa, Italy, a major international event marked the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's discovery of the New World. The event is part of a series of universal exhibitions celebrating the culture and technology of the 19th century. Some 800,000 visitors from all over the world are expected to attend.
Mandolin music was flourishing in all Italian cities at this time. A competition was organized, and the best performers took part. A 700-strong orchestra performs at the Carlo Felice Theater.
“GREAT EXCURSION IN ITALY by the elegant steamer WERRA, 26 days in Italy, October and November, two of the best months of the year to visit Italy. The excursionist will arrive in time to see the great festivities that “Genoa la Superba” is celebrating in honor of its son Christopher Columbus on the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America.”
El Turia - Spanish Students Waltz
J.E. Bélair (1895-), Le Passe-Temps
SPARKS, P. (1995) The Classical Mandolin, BÉLANGER, R. (1986) Wilfrid Laurier, quand la politique devient passion, SAINT-JACQUES D. et DES RIVIÈRES M.J. (2015) De la belle époque à la crise, BORDES E. (1980) Le Mémorial du Québec, le Québec 1839-1889, AMTMANN, W. (1976) La musique au Québec 1600 - 1875, LINTEAU, P.-A. (1997). Quelle Belle Époque? Cap-aux-Diamants, COTÉ, C. (1990). Les racines de la musique populaire québécoise.